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The OSC-ActiveX reference

This Active-X control allows you to receive OSC data in applications which support ActiveX controls on Microsoft Windows.

Properties, Methods and Events:

An Active-X control is represented by it's properties, methods and events. Properties are settings you can check and change. In the case of the OSC Active-X, the most relevant property is the port number. It has to be the same setting you are using in Eyecon. Eyecon and the OSC Active-X use port 7000 as a default. Methods are function calls made to the control. In our case the most important methods are 'Open' and 'Close', which will start and stop the OSC function. A good place to call OPen and Close are the startmovie and endmovie scripts of your Director program. Have a look at the sample program i provide.

An event is an externally triggered moment, where you want your program to respond to. In case of the OSC control it would be the moment a message is received. You have to define an event handler in your program, which defines, how the message is treated. The name of the receiver event is OnOSCInput

OSC basics

Each OSC message consists at least out of one address string, which tells the application which subfunction is addressed. In the simplest case the address string is the only part of the whole message. Often you will have other parameters following though. The OSC active-X currently supports integer, floating point and string parameters.

How to use

1. Set the Listeningport to the desired port setting

2. OSCX.Open starts the OSC receiver

3. Define an even hander for the OnOscInput event

//a single OnOscInput event could deliver more than one message, it is recommended to process them in a loop.

for i := 1 to OSCX.MsgCnt do


address := OSCX.Address;


//depending on Addressstring you implement the functionality

if address = ....


//access the messageparameters

if OSCX.MsgParamCnt > 0 then param1 = OSCX.Data1


//release current message



4. When closing your application, don't forget to call the OSCX.Close method

List of properties

A bunch of properties are defined to determine how the control is visually represented.

The only functionally important setting is the Listeningport.

Listeningport The port number the control is listening to. Has to match with settings in sending program
Visible turns visualization of the control on or off. Default On
design, how the control looks in your application
Indicator size of the progress indicator bar. This bar moves when there is OSC input activity.
Version read only; returns an identifying string for the control

List of methods


Open Iinitializes the OSC controls function.
Close Ends the OSC controls function.
MsgCount Indicates, how many OSC messages are ready and waiting for being processed in the controls buffer.
Address Returns the address string for the current OSC message
MsgParamCnt Returns how many parameters the current OSC message is carrying
Data1 Returns the first OSC parameter of the current message
Data2, Data3, Data4 Returns more OSC parameters.
Data(n:integer) returns the OSCparameter with index n, more universal form of the preceding methods , n runs from 0 to MsgParamCnt-1
Next Release the current message, make the next one current. Mandatory use after accessing elements of the message
TimeStamp Bundled OSC messages carry a timestamp which is supposed to allow better synchronization.
Typetag Returns the typetag of the current OSC message, only necessary for special applications.
BundleID A running number created by the control. If multiple messages are bundled, they all share the same BundleID. Only needed for special applications. 0 if message is not bundled
AboutBox Opens an identifying Copyright dialog

List of events


OnOscInput called whenever a new OSC message is received